Building The Impossible” is what the Architects of The Seven Wonders Of The
World successfully accomplished. The Architectural structure behind those seven
monuments have either been questioned, studied, copied or improved throughout The
Ancient World and Today’s Modern World. Over time we’ve adapted the ideas of
building monuments from The Ancient World by not only using science but by using
technology as well.
Every technique used by the Architectures of the Ancient World have not all been
identified. That’s why today’s modern world continues to study and experiment with
methods that could have been used. Throughout The Ancient world architect’s used a
number of building tools that are used in today‘s construction (the crane and iron clamps).
Today’s Modern World copied the idea of building monuments to represent or symbolize
a great person. Idea, or event. Architects in the ancient world worked with their
inventions on a canon level. They had no machinery so they invented a process which
they followed, that helped them build up, down, and around.
The Seven Wonders Of The World’ were build on proportion. In The Ancient
World architects took risk in building. They build with an idea of what the finishing piece
would look like and if their was an issues they had to pull it down after it was completed
and rebuild back up. Unlike Today’s Modern world where we can test what we want on a
computer screen, improve it and then begin to construct it. Artist of today learned from
the ideas of the ancient world. Portraits of a love one or one we like have the same affect
as the statues built 2 stand 65 feet high. Art lovers are captured by the uniqueness or
creativity of an artist.
The Architecture of today gives architects more sense of the way of building.
Today’s “Revolutionary ideas” have allowed for the building’s of monuments to stand
more efficient and last longer. Some structures of The Ancient World Have lead the way
for “The Statue Of Liberty”, “Lincoln Memorial” , Monuments in DC and more . The
Ancient World has Inspired our Modern way of building as well as provided a sense of
Art through its shaping, casting, color and more.
Reference: "Dazzlep48", Seven Wonders OF The World, Youtube.com, Sept 26, 2011
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