Tuesday, February 26, 2013


"This Portrait is called "Classmate" because I forgot to ask him his name (Sorry). In his Portrait I tired to capture da visible details on his hat nd sweatshirt. I also tired to capture the few details around him (like the chair he was seated in, the frame of the window in the back of the class and the coat hooks on the wall). I'm not a great drawer but I tired. The dark shades around his cheeks were to round his face more. The hat I tired to draw low to give it da illusion of the front part sticking straight out. His eyes I shaded in dark to give him a more real like feeling also because of the color of his eyes. The lips I drew full and shaded in his chin. His ears aren't the best but the gap between his hat and cheek bone on the left side of his face is to indicate the side of his face the was more visible from the window light.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Ancient Art

Building The Impossible” is what the Architects of The Seven Wonders Of The World successfully accomplished. The Architectural structure behind those seven monuments have either been questioned, studied, copied or improved throughout The Ancient World and Today’s Modern World. Over time we’ve adapted the ideas of building monuments from The Ancient World by not only using science but by using technology as well. Every technique used by the Architectures of the Ancient World have not all been identified. That’s why today’s modern world continues to study and experiment with methods that could have been used. Throughout The Ancient world architect’s used a number of building tools that are used in today‘s construction (the crane and iron clamps). Today’s Modern World copied the idea of building monuments to represent or symbolize a great person. Idea, or event. Architects in the ancient world worked with their inventions on a canon level. They had no machinery so they invented a process which they followed, that helped them build up, down, and around. The Seven Wonders Of The World’ were build on proportion. In The Ancient World architects took risk in building. They build with an idea of what the finishing piece would look like and if their was an issues they had to pull it down after it was completed and rebuild back up. Unlike Today’s Modern world where we can test what we want on a computer screen, improve it and then begin to construct it. Artist of today learned from the ideas of the ancient world. Portraits of a love one or one we like have the same affect as the statues built 2 stand 65 feet high. Art lovers are captured by the uniqueness or creativity of an artist. The Architecture of today gives architects more sense of the way of building. Today’s “Revolutionary ideas” have allowed for the building’s of monuments to stand more efficient and last longer. Some structures of The Ancient World Have lead the way for “The Statue Of Liberty”, “Lincoln Memorial” , Monuments in DC and more . The Ancient World has Inspired our Modern way of building as well as provided a sense of Art through its shaping, casting, color and more. Reference: "Dazzlep48", Seven Wonders OF The World, Youtube.com, Sept 26, 2011

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What is Art?

Saltz,  article "Seeing Out Loud" defines what "Art" and "Art Criticism" mean to him. He has a
different point of view compared to others and expresses the change in "good" criticism. I do agree with Saltz on how he difines Art and Art criticism. Art is simply a form of expression and critics help prefect the skill of an artist.
   Art allows for a person to be "creative and flexable". "Art is a way to think, and a way of knowing yourself", we can express our inner feelings through art. It can express hurt. pain. love, fun, imaginations and more. Artist can use their own unquie skill to work or can mix the skills of others and their own.
  When "Art" is judged it allows the artist to prefect it or expand. "Being critical of art is a way of showing it respect."  Criticism has to be looked at with a "eye for seeing". "Having a eye for art is like having a ear for music", you have to be in your comfort zone to be able to connect with what your writing about. Saltz states that the "most interesting critics make there opinions known".
   "Too many critics enthuse over everything they see or merely write descriptively". Criticism has changed where as the full detail of art work is no longer broken down when its looked at. Critics now write is a "dreary" way. Critics are writing more now about what they think pepeole want to read. Criticism has become less opened which is keeping critics from writing from "a part of them they didnt know they had"
   I agree with Salt defintion on  what "Art" and "Art Criticism" means. Artist become better at what they do based on what they know to improve on. Critics should become open again when observing art work. And Art should be critqued by those who have an "eye" for it.